Ripen With US Child Care – Spring Fundraiser 2025

Welcome Ripen With Us Child Care 

The following items are included in the Ripen With Us  Parkside Candy Spring Fundraiser. The proceeds will benefit Ripen With Us.  Thank you so much for your support. Prices shown are similar to the retail prices charged in the Parkside Candy Retail locations. 


There are 3 easy  ways to get your candy:
  1. Have it shipped to your address, or other address of your choice. Add’l shipping fees at checkout.
  2. Pick up products directly from Parkside Candies 3208 Main St location at Winspear in North Buffalo. Products will be ready for pick up in store beginning Wednesday April 9th.
  3. Pick up products at Ripen With Us Daycare beginning Wednesday April 16th.


The last day to place your order for this fundraiser is Sunday April 13th.   Easter Sunday is April 20th.

**Products purchased separately on other Parkside Candy site pages or in the retail store will not be applied towards the Fundraiser. Upon checkout be sure to choose one of the Ripen With Us FundRaiser payment/shipping options.

Thank you again for supporting our fundraiser!